Aleister Meowly has always had a fascination with the 10th life, and when his previous human passed through the veil he became obsessed with the dark secrets of the Necronomicat. The eldritch tome imbued him with super-feline strength and gave him command over a cadre of macabre minions. While he prefers the company of specters, he is still the cuddliest necromancer there ever was. Play Aleister if you want to flirt with death and be subversive.

Aleister Meowly has always had a fascination with the 10th life, and when his previous human passed through the veil he became obsessed with the dark secrets of the Necronomicat. The eldritch tome imbued him with super-feline strength and gave him command over a cadre of macabre minions. While he prefers the company of specters, he is still the cuddliest necromancer there ever was. Play Aleister if you want to flirt with death and be subversive.
British Shorthair
Muscle Wizard
Possession, Pugilism
Morbid Curiosity
The Mundane